Healing Lipoma

Lipoma is a begnin rumour of fatty tissue which sits under the skins surface and is easy to move from side to side.

In the world of conventional medicine, the two GPS I went to advises lipomas “just happen” and “they’re harmless but there’s nothing you can do except surgically cut it out”.

In the naturopathic world, lipomas are a sign of liver overload and lymphatic system struggling. How? Because lipoma is a collection of fatty tissue which is trying to clear its toxins through the biggest organ it can – the skin.

My liver has most definitely had a hammering thanks to those years in my early twenties where I partied excessively (think excessive partying then triple that, and that was my life!) so I wasn’t too surprised when a lipoma popped up three years ago.

Recently, my lipoma on the back of my head went from the size of a pea to a cherry tomato and became itchy, sore, red and infected. The infection spread day by day and interferes with sleep, with moving my head left to right. I went to the GP who advised antibiotics but cautioned that antibiotics often have a hard time getting to lipoma as they enter the blood circulatory system, they don’t always penetrate into fatty tumours.

So here’s what I did for 10 days:

2 cloves garlic, diced, shot with a glass of water once daily

Apple cider vinegar swigged once daily

Tea tree oil topically applied to lipoma 3x daily

Clean eating, no alcohol, caffeine cut back to one cup coffee a day

Intermittent fasting 16:8 (or thereabouts, greater than 12hours).

No refined foods, sugar etc.

Lots of soups, eggs, meat and vegetables. Organic where I could.

1L Beetroot juice (organic with just vegetables, no fruit). Tried for daily but managed every second day. This does make excretions red, please note.


So just today I noticed my lipoma has dissolved, and turned into a mass of dry skin.